Knowledge-Base articles to be created soon

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Knowledge-Base articles to be created soon

The lineGrip Knowledge-Base will contain all our knowledge about the lineGrip and how to use it, to give comprehensive answers to every conceivable lineGrip related question you might have.

This is a substantial amount of information, all of which we were not able to put on record yet. We will add new articles frequently in the weeks to come, so check back regularly, or subscribe to the notifier list below, to be informed when we post new KB-articles!

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Articles we’re currently working on and posting next:

  • Insights into the lineGrip serial numbers (identify your model)
  • Pretensioning tips and tricks
  • Replacing a broken lineGrip safety-cap
  • lineGrip fall/drop from great height – Danger!
  • Rigging stacked webbing
  • Known commercial lineGrip pirate copies
  • and many more…

Return to the Knowledge-Base home >

If you'd like to suggest an article subject not yet covered or planned in the lineGrip Knowledge-Base, please leave us a note. We will be happy to consider your request.

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1 Comment

  1. Andy R.

    Alternatively to the personal message option above, you may also submit your article requests here 😉
    Looking forward to hearing from you!
    Cheers, Andy

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